How to add Live Support Chat to the osCommerce shop?
Posted on: 2009-11-01 | Categories:
In this tutorial we will show how to add Live Support Chat to the osCommerce based online shop. It is a great way to improve your visitors confidence while shopping online, as they can ask questions in a real time and have their questions answered instantly. You can view demo shop here.
Download osCommerce addon
First we need to download the Live Chat module from:
It is a compressed zip file which we need to unpack to get two files: Readme.txt
and livesupport_box.php
. As you are reading this tutorial we can safely ignore Readme.txt
and concentrate on livesupport_box.php
. However before we start editing it, there are two more steps to do…
Create an account with
As is a hosted service (there is nothing to install on your web server) we need to create an account at:
All you will need is an email address where activation message will be sent. There is 30 days fully functional free trial, so you can test Live Chat with your osCommerce shop without any obligation.
You will also need to download free Live Chat application which is an easy way to chat with your shop visitors and other Instant Messaging networks (Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo, Jabber) at the same time.
Copy Live Chat button HTML code
Now login to your control panel at and click on
link in My Account
panel to open Chat Buttons

Here you can select a Chat Button that will best suit your osCommerce shop design and copy it’s HTML code into a clipboard – see (1)
in the picture above – so we can paste it into livesupport_box.php
Paste HTML code into livesupport_box.php
Open websitechat_box.php
in your favourite text editor and paste HTML code into line 10 – see (1)
in the picture below.

Now we need to upload livesupport_box.php
to /catalog/includes/boxes/
directory on the web server hosting your osCommerce shop.
Finally edit /catalog/includes/column_right.php
or column_left.php
depending on which side you want the chat box on. Insert this code where you would like the Live Chat box to appear:
<span class="comment">// Box v1.0</span> <span class="keyword">include</span>(DIR_WS_BOXES . <span class="string">'livesupport_box.php'</span>); |
Test Live Chat session
Now it is time to test our Live Chat button. Make sure chat application is running and verify there is a green icon
in your taskbar which indicates the application is connected. Open your shop in a web browser:

- Click Live Chat button
on your website.
- Enter your name and email address into a start form
and click Start Chat button (3)
- Chat Operator application will indicate
a new chat request on the operator PC.
- You can start conversation by typing messages into a chat window

Congratulations! You can now start chating with your shop visitors
January 15, 2010 10:48
How do i change the greeting message from :
Welcome ****, how can i help?
Many thanks
January 15, 2010 10:55
Hi David,
Thanks for your interest in our Live Support Chat service.
Unfortunately at this time it is not possible to change greeting message.
We are planning to add this feature by the 1st Feb. 2010.
Kind regards
June 28, 2010 04:58
This is excelent.